What is RackBank® Referral Program

A rewarding program to spread your love involving of 2 parties will be there as referer and referee

rackbank referral program

Unexpected benefits

Mutual benefits to both the parties with the condition of making payment.

rackbank referral program

Virtual credits

Both the parties will be getting virtual credit.

rackbank referral program

Blog sharing

We will be happy if you spread knowledge and love towards your Brand.

How it Works?

rackbank referral program

One unique source link will be generated for every paid customer through which unique source code will be generated

rackbank referral program

The signup of another party must be from the given link

rackbank referral program

After tracking both the parties we will be giving them mutual benefits

Benefits of RackBank® Referral Program

Refer and get 25% virtual credits which will be redeemable while making next payment. If two parties A and B are involved then A will be the referrer and B will be referree. A have chosen dedicated server at Rackbank and referred same to B

OR In a simple way

rackbank referral program

Get 20-25-30% virtual credits in his account based on amount collected by B

rackbank referral program

Will be getting 25% off/Virtual credits on his first payment accordingly

Edditional Benefits for both parties